Lucas Anquetil

I am a passionate aspiring Researcher in Data Science. My main interests are in Robustness Evaluation, Discrete Learning, NLP and Recommendation Systems.

I am pursuing my PhD thesis working on Robustness of Neural Networks under the supervision of M. Stéphane CANU. I also work on set generation with M. Mike GARTRELL and M. Alain RAKOTOMAMONJY

Per adua ad astra


Wasserstein learning of determinantal point processes

NeurIPS Workshop: Learning Meets Combinatorial Algorithms

Determinantal point processes (DPPs) have received significant attention as an elegant probabilistic model for discrete subset selection. Most prior work on DPP learning focuses on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). While efficient and scalable, MLE approaches do not leverage any subset similarity information and may fail to recover the true generative distribution of discrete data. In this work, by deriving a differentiable relaxation of a DPP sampling algorithm, we present a novel approach for learning DPPs that minimizes the Wasserstein distance between the model and data composed of observed subsets. Through an evaluation on a real-world dataset, we show that our Wasserstein learning approach provides significantly improved predictive performance on a generative task compared to DPPs trained using MLE.

November 2020

Adversarial Dictionary Learning

Conférence sur l'Apprentissage automatique

This work frames the learning of multiple adversarial perturbations as a sparse dictionary learning problem bridging the gap between specific and universal attacks. On the one hand, this framework allows to build an adversary attack to new examples by only learning the coding vectors, provided that the dictionary is known. On the other hand, the a posteriori study of the atoms unveils the most common patterns to attack the classifier. Numerical experiments conducted on CIFAR-10 illustrate that our approach, termed as Sparse Coding of ADversarial Attacks (SCADA), achieves higher fooling rates of the deep model than state-of-the-art attacks for smaller adversarial perturbations.

June 2021


PhD Student

I enrolled in the PhD program under the RAIMO project focused on the research toward safe Artificial Intelligence in mobility.

My PhD supervisor is M. Stéphane CANU and my PhD focus is the study of Neural Networks robustness

October 2020 - October 2023

Research Intern

I worked in the Recommendation System team under the supervision of M. Mike GARTRELL.

We created a new way to train discrete generative models and published it at the NeurIPS 2020 LMCA workshop.

March 2020 - October 2020

Study trip in India, Bangalore

I followed Computer Science and Data Science courses at the New Horizon College of Engineering in Bengaluru India, I discovered new ways of studying and completely different approach to life.

July 2019 - September 2019

Research Intern

I assisted a PhD student on Conditional GAN, I was assigned the implementations of Conditional GANs and running the experiments on clusters.

May 2019 - July 2019


PhD Student

I enrolled in the PhD program under the RAIMO project focused on the research toward safe Artificial Intelligence in mobility. My PhD supervisor is M. Stéphane CANU and my PhD focus is the study of Neural Networks robustness

October 2020 - October 2023

Master of Science : Data Science

University of Rouen Normandy
Data Science - Data Analysis

Through my Master's degree and the many university projects I lead, I gained expertise in Data Science and Mathematics. During my Master's projects I have been supervised by M. Alain Rakotomamonjy

2018 - 2020

Bachelor of Science : Computer Science

University of Rouen Normandy
Computer Science

Completing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science mainly has been very helpful, as I gained a strong background in Computer Science which allows me nowadays to work without any practical limitations.

2015 - 2018


Programming Languages & Hard Skills

Python : 90%

Torch : 90%

Deep Learning : 90%

Object Programming : 90%

Generative Models : 80%

Convex Optimization : 80%

Optimal Transport : 70%

Communications & Soft Skills

Latex : 90%

GIT : 90%

Slack : 90%

Microsoft Office : 90%

Confluence : 80%


I like to write and perform Stand-up comedy

I enjoy creating entertainment content live on my Twitch channel

I am a passionate of science, I specialize in Data Science, Computer Science and Maths

I enjoy practicing Sports. I am a triathlete since I am 6 years old. Nowadays I mainly workout and occasionally surf

When possible I love to travel, discover new cultures, meeting new people and exchanging ideas

Since I am a kid, I love to read comics and mangas, specifically I am an active supporter of the DC Universe